Ted is a husband, father, hiker, climber, backpacker, Oregonian, Air Force veteran, pilot, cat herder, new grandfather, recovering coder, and SQL Server DBA. Ted works hard on trying to be a decent human, not getting too fat, and just generally trying to keep life fun and interesting for himself and his family.

Ted is a husband, father, hiker, climber, backpacker, Oregonian, Air Force veteran, pilot, cat herder, new grandfather, recovering coder, and SQL Server DBA. Ted works hard on trying to be a decent human, not getting too fat, and just generally trying to keep life fun and interesting for himself and his family.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

New Mexico to Nevada

After the Sunday Wheeler Peak climb in northern New Mexico, my plan was to drive to Los Alamos and get a motel room for the night. As it turns out, the Wheeler Peak climb went faster than expected so I ended up getting to Los Alamos pretty early in the day and I spontaneously...

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Welcome Bradley Rose

She's a little bit early, but we're all overjoyed to welcome little Miss Bradley Rose Glick into this world.  My son Tom Glick and his wife Maurissa are the proud new parents of Bradley who was born on the 13th at 11:50 PM.  5 lbs, 9 oz, and 18 inches long. ...

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

New Places and Plans

Leaving California, I decided to head for Colorado instead of New Mexico. Wheeler Peak in New Mexico had a long stretch of good weather forecast, so I though it would be best to go get Mt Elbert in Colorado right away while there was relatively good weather forecast there...

Monday, September 10, 2018

A Little Rock

It's funny how small things can sometimes have a big impact.  Today a small rock changed my vacation plan in a big way. I drove 680 miles to Bishop, California, on Sunday.  Bishop is the town closest to the Boundary Peak (Nevada) trailhead, so I spent the...